Scientology: The New Kabbalah
The boys and I ventured to the dollar store today to pick up a few items. I got some muffin tins, cleaning supplies, batteries, etc. You get the idea. So, Kyle comes up to me and asks me if I'm a brain cell. I'm not kidding. I gave him a weird look, after which, he produced a book from behind his back, Scientology: A New Slant on Life by L. Ron Hubbard. I'm so not kidding. In the dollar store. 1 freaking dollar. Talk about your dollar menu religions! There was absolutely no way we were passing this opportunity up. There are just too many entertaining aspects to buying and reading a book on Scientology written by its founder...besides it was only a dollar. As we pulled away from the store, I couldn't resist sneaking a peek into my new find. If you don't own this book, BUY IT NOW...again, I'm so not kidding. The introduction is amazing. I laughed. They laughed. We all laughed. There was one part that I found particularly amusing that talked about not understanding what you read because the words could be incorrectly defined. Alan asked, "if you have a definition, then don't you know what the word means?" I answered him, "No, not necessarily. What L. Ron is trying to define here is called The Basic Principle of Balderdash." I can not wait for chapter 10: Marriage...more updates to come. Again, not kidding.
Drop It Like It's Hot
A few weeks ago, we were driving around town when we saw an odd sign. It was the sign in front of a comic book/novelty store. It read: Zags 92 cents. We were all intrigued. A couple of days later, Kyle and I decided we would go to the store and buy some zags. We figured it was candy (sort of like Zotz...hard candy that fizzles in your mouth). Something ended up happening that day that prevented us from going to buy our zags...I don't remember what it was...I went home and spent time with my parents and the dog and it was too late or something like that. So, we forgot about it. Last week, we drove by the store, but they were not advertising zags anymore...something else. Kyle was disappointed. I was too. I reasoned that they still had zags, but they weren't the "special" item anymore. We decided once again that when we had time and money, we would check out the store and buy zags. We talked so much about zags and buying zags, and I think we even told my mom we were going to go buy zags...we just never got around to it. So, tonight we're all sitting here in our practice room/computer room talking, and zags get brought up again. Kyle tells me to google it. I google the definition of zags...Urban Dictionary comes up...Apparently, zags are the papers you use to roll blunts. I'm not kidding. Maybe you knew that. I, however, did not. I guess it's short for zig-zags and that's what rolling paper is called...weird. So basically, without knowing, Kyle and I were going to buy tons of rolling paper. We even told my mom we were going to buy rolling paper. When we realized this, we cracked completely random? I can't believe I was going around excited about buying rolling paper!
It's Laugh Out Loud Funny!
Oh man! I'm so amused right's crazy! Today I discovered the entertainment that is myspace. Ha! Let's back up for a minute...I've had a myspace account for about a year and a half or so (and NO I will not link you to it, dirty pervs!), but I never really used it. I had Kyle on there and then through a strange set of occurances, I found a couple of other friends of mine. So, I've been keeping in contact with them through myspace for the past few months. Today, however, I discovered something: myspace can be FUNNY...I mean really funny. I looked today for a specific person from my past because I was curious if I could find them and wanted to see what they were up to. Well, I found them and much, much more! On this particular person's page was one of their "friends" who is also someone I knew from high school...go to this person's page and they have people that I went to high school with and so forth and so on. It got interesting...and quite entertaining! It was funny to see some of the people who used to torment me and know that they haven't changed and they are nothing but gigantic losers now, while I've actually done something with my life. I was amused by all the people that people in high school would say "they are gay" and I would say "no freaking way...not so" and actually, yes, they were...I was so innocent or Then, Kyle showed me the best way to find people...type in your high school (or college) and TONS of people come up...that was by far, the most entertaining thing. Especially entertaining was when I (out of pure curiosity, of course 0:) looked up the school and year of graduation of a certain family member who has been a complete jerk to me lately...::cough:: ...yeah. I got the biggest kick out of it...LOLOLOL...I'm serious. I've been in the "myspace zone" for the last couple of hours...not that I'm ever going to get into looking up everyone I know and spending hours upon hours upon hours on's just good to know that thanks to Kyle and myspace, I have a few more ridiculous blogs and profile pages to read when I'm completely board...and for this reason, myspace totally rocks, ya'll!
Well, I'm sorry I haven't been writing. I've been going through some stuff lately. My puppy died last week. What? Back up, you say? Ok. In early January, I got a new puppy. It was exciting for me because I've never had a dog from when it was a puppy. The king was a stray that landed on someone's doorstep and somehow ended up in our home. Any dogs we had when I was a kid were older also. So, I finally got my puppy. She was beautiful...absolutely gorgeous...great, loving personality too. So, last week she started acting weird. I was to take her to the vet last Wednesday...she started getting worse before going, and we had to make an emergency vet run. They did everything they could, but she had distemper, which she was not likely to recover from (she had been to the point of convulsing, which was heartbreaking and scary for me to witness alone). They had to put her to sleep last Thursday. That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and it honestly broke my heart. Needless to say, I've been quite sad since then. I've thought about writing, but I just didn't feel like it. No one wants to report bad news, and it is not like there is anything good to report. I'm fairly dissatisfied with things in my life right now. It's nice having people I love here with me, but I need to be doing something. We're going to get the band thing together (again...I feel like this band is Humpty Dumpty having to be rebuilt everytime we turn around)...I'm just restless and bored and anxious and scared and a million other emotions. Yes, I realize...I do need to take a chill pill...ha. I just get frustrated because I feel like most of my time is spent doing pointless things for other people, and it is a constant battle to get "me" time...I need time for myself, so I can do things I want to do. I bought new pencils a month and a half ago, and I only just started on one drawing last week. I bought clay almost 2 months ago, and I've yet to plan how to use it. In some ways, I feel uninspired...but I usually just come up with things on the spur of the moment anyway, so it isn't like I need to have any source of inspiration. I just want time for myself, but I don't want to feel guilty taking that time when I know I could be doing something for someone else. I mean, if I take a couple of hours one day to read a novel, I feel ashamed and guilty that I didn't go in to volunteer earlier. I'm not sleeping well at night...I'm tense...I'm in a weird spot right now. In school, I never had time to myself either...but now that I'm out, I don't have time to enjoy's a screwy situation. I just want to be be doing something be doing something for myself for once. I just want things to get up off the ground floor. Maybe it will be better when I get back to the gym and start doing yoga in the mornings. Maybe I need to clean more...a clean home makes a happy Fish. I guess I just need to get off my butt and do something and stop complaining...I'm just at a place now where I'm scared to do anything because I'm scared what I might miss while I'm doing it (There's a lot more to that statement than how it looks...) I'll figure it out...I think more or less I'm going stir crazy...I need to get away from here for a little while...enjoy myself for a short time so that I'm ready to jump start whatever's ahead. Oh well...sorry for the downer, guys. Have a good day. I'll think of a funny story for the next post.