
Like A Rolling stone

I have gallstones. My surgery is tomorrow. That's why I haven't been posting. I've been having anxiety issues. I've never had surgery before, so I'm really freaking scared out of my mind. Add on top of that the fear that they will find something bad bad bad (like the big C word) inside me, and you've got a certified bundle of nerves. Add to that forgetting to take my anxiety medication sometimes...and yeah. That's me. Someone please tell me I'll wake up and it will be ok. Please??? Meh. So, I'll post later on if I survive :(


At 21:41, Blogger BTExpress said...

I'm sorry that you have to go through this. :( I promise you that you will wake up from this. I have had more surgeries than any mammal should ever have and I'm still here. So I have no reason to think you won't make it through this either.

Talk to you when your done, k?

At 12:04, Blogger BTExpress said...

I hope everything went well.


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