
The Cosmic Turd That Almost Wasn't...This Will Be Gross

So, it's been awhile. I've been lazy. Give me a break...it's been over 100 degrees with high humidity since before summer. Everyone around here is a slug...a big, grayish brown lethargic slug. And, if you pour salt on us...we shrivel and die. Yes we do. The only interesting thing that has happened in weeks occured yesterday:

I was volunteering in the 2 year old class at church. Some of the kids are potty trained, some are in pull ups, and some are still in diapers...usually, however, we don't have to change much more than a couple of wet diapers when I work in there. Not yesterday. We started checking pull ups and diapers and taking kids to the restroom. Not even 10 minutes later, we started to smell something unpleasent. So, we proceeded to look for the culprit. It was a little boy who had just gone to the restroom. He didn't have any pull ups or diapers, so I had to go search for one. When I got back, no one was jumping to change him, so I proceeded to do it...I'm not above changing dirty diapers. The thing is, he wasn't wearing a diaper...I found that out when I started to change him. He had on underroos...little kids underwear. And, deposited inside was the most obscene, putrid, foul thing that I've ever laid eyes on. The thing looked like freaking Plymoth Rock! I'm so not kidding...it was HUGE. I don't even think kids that little are able to produce something like this...I don't know if any human is capable of it...I seriously think this kid was an alien...and OH THE SMELL. Raw sewage to the 10th degree of hell...a smell like I've never smelled before. I mean, I have absolutely no problem changing dirty diapers...that's part of life. And, I know that there are going to be some weird things that come out of little kids butts (I mean, just look at what Dooce and DadGoneMad have seen when changing their kids diapers)...but...it was so foreign...this object...this cosmic turd. I was just in shock. And, I also know that it's going to smell...everyone's poop smells...duh...but damn...this thing peeled the paint off the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. And sadly, that is the most interesting thing to happen in weeks.

Stay cool and safe and happy.


You Rearrange Me Till I'm Sane

Syd Barrett is dead. Does anyone know who he is anyway? He IS Pink Floyd. He was an original founder of PF. He is the reason PF had so much success. True, he left the band before they became successful in America, and true too that his lyrics contributed to mainly one album...but he was what pushed PF to the place that it needed to be.

When I first got interested in PF (my freshman year of college), I had no idea who Syd Barrett was. Thanks to a friend who gave me some old magazines, I learned. There were some articles in these magazines from years ago that told the PF story. They didn't forget to include Syd Barrett's pivitol role in the band. I became fascinated with this reclusive man who was the inspiration, the soul of one of my favorite bands. It's surprising how many people don't know who he is or what his part in PF and rock in general is/was. Even after he was gone from PF, he remained a great inspiration with albums and songs being inspired or even about him. Take a look at the lyrics, they speak for themselves.

It's sad...he was still young...only 60. What is saddest for me is that now I will never have a chance to meet him. I doubt he would have ever met me anyway, but I was hoping that someday I would make the trek to England and maybe get to spend a few minutes with this amazing man. He reminds me of my favorite author, JD Salinger, for his reclusiveness. Two great people...two great inspirations...and two people who shy away from any sort of fame. I'm sad, but hopefully PF will live on...Maybe this will be the thing that kickstarts a major Waters-Gilmour reunion...I've been hoping for one since I first fell in love with the Floyd.



We are finally home! I'm so happy! Our trip today wasn't really that bad...I expected worse. We could have made better time, but we took our time and didn't rush or anything. New Mexico was kind of pretty but very boring. We wasted our time going there, though...might have been able to be home sooner if we hadn't gone through it...but we were going to get fireworks...didn't find any places. Oh well. All in all, our trip was really cool. I got to go places I never thought I would get to go to...I saw some really awesome stuff...and I spent a whole week with two awesome people...plus we stayed in suites, which is really freaking awesome. This was probably the first "real" vacation I've ever taken...I mean, my family has gone on like weekend trips, and I've gone places to see family, but I've never taken a trip just for leisure to go see places that I wanted to see. There's always been some other agenda and then I just happen to get to go to cool places while doing that. This time was so different...it was kind of hard to relax and just accept that I didn't have to worry about any family obligations. So yeah, things were cool, but I am so glad to be back home...and now I'm going to bed<3


Greetings From The Mile High City!

Aaaggghhh! I'm in freakin downtown Denver, CO! Our suite is AMAZING...sooooooo pretty and nice and big and totally awesome. And, I thought that our suite in SD was awesome...we're living the nice life or something. Anyway, I would have updated from the Black Hills, but the freaking internet didn't work...my stupid cell phone didn't even work...the parents were very worried about us. We went to MOA on Thursday...was really cool...some cool stores...I got some cool things...saw a HUGE statue of Jolly Green Giant...MN was so pretty...I loved it! We went to Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse and junk yesterday. Here's some advice for you guys if you ever decide to travel to South Dakota: do NOT stay in Rapid City...it SUCKS...it BLOWS...etc. There is nothing there and it's all dumpy and icky. I'm so glad our hotel was not in RC. Also, do NOT go see Crazy Horse...you can see it from the highway, and that's just fine...the damn statue isn't even finished and they charge you 25 dollars a carload just to go to this dumb museum of Native American artifacts (*note, the artifacts aren't dumb but I can see that stuff anytime anyway) but that sucks that you pay 25 dollars and don't even get to go up to the thing...oh yeah, you CAN go up to it if you pay 4 dollars a person for the stupid bus ride up to it...I mean, I totally understand charging people, but the statue isn't anywhere near being finished...it's not much to see (if you've seen it on TV, you've seen it)...anyway like I said, I understand making people pay...it is an attraction, but 25 dollars a carload and you have to pay extra to get to the top (and no you can't drive or hike it yourself)...that's just anal rapeage. So after that, we went to Mt Rushmore...was AWESOME...you pay 8 dollars and that's it...8 dollars...get this...for a whole freaking year! You get a year long pass to it...can come back any time in the year and see it without paying again. And, there's no extra fees. Of course, you can't go all the way to the top, but still you get a wonderful view of it...the accomodations are awesome...and it's a reasonable price. I was very impressed...do see it. Also, the Black Hills and the Badlands are beautiful and amazing...they are so worth driving that far to see, and you can see them for free. We woke up today and drove to Denver...the drive was not as long as I expected...Wyoming has nothing that impresses me...Colorado is beautiful...Denver is freaking awesome and I would so live here (I would also live in Sioux Falls, SD because it owns.) Oh yeah, we went to the Corn Palace...so cool...loved it. So, now we're here...starved...tired...and somewhat ready to get back home (probably mostly so we don't spend more money!) Ohhh yeah! We went to this place called Reptile Gardens...it had all these snakes and birds (and yes, birds are thought to be related to reptiles) and lizards and turtles and stuff....it was a dream! Lots of pics...maybe I'll post some. Anyway, that's all from Denver...<3