
The Return of Master Splinter

A little back story...back in high school in World History class, there was this kid Joe. He used to pick on people he hated. Pretty common story, eh? Anyway, in our World History class was this one girl...there's no way nice to say it...she looked like a rat. Her teeth were pushed very closely together, and her front teeth stuck out. Also, her nose was really skinny and pointy...she looked like a rat. It's ok. People can look like animals. Anyway, she was kind of a...um...bitch. No, there was no "kind of" about it...she was a mega bitch. She was really rude and obnoxious and got all up in people's business all the time. Everyone in class hated her. Including Joe. And since he hated her so much, he decided to pick on her by giving her the worst possible, yet most fitting nickname he could find...He started calling her Master Splinter. It wasn't much of a stretch anyway. So all year long, she would talk and his reply would be "Shut up, Master Splinter!" It was kind of sad but also kind of funny since she was so mean to everyone.
Anyway...today I had to do some grocery shopping after work. Wally World was the closest place, so we went there. When I got to the front of the line and looked up, I almost had a cow! It was Master Splinter! At first I wasn't sure. I told myself it couldn't possibly be, but then, I saw her name tag...sure enough...Master Splinter and I had reunited over bar codes at Wal-Mart! I was...speechless. It was crazy! This is someone who I never in a zillion years thought I would run across again. And, she's still the same old Master Splinter...complaining, being obnoxious and just being a bitch in general..all whilst working at Wal-Mart...NOT that there is anything wrong with that...but it was just funny to me for some reason. So yeah...Master Splinter is alive and well and working in your local Wal-Mart.


At 16:58, Blogger BTExpress said...

I'm glad she is working at your Walmarts and not mine.


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