
6 More Weeks of THIS?!

So, Phil saw his shadow...or so I'm told...that means 6 more weeks of wintery weather, right? Uh...it's been hot here...no, I mean REALLY FREAKING HOT. I mean, so hot I've been wearing flip flops, capris, had the a/c turned up the highest it will go in my pathetic little white car...that kind of hot. Now, I know where I live we don't usually get much snowfall, but this is ridiculous...I mean, usually it is frigid during this time of the year. It at least stays cold enough to wear more than a light jacket when you go outside. Many days, I would be late for class because my windows were all icy and I hadn't started warming the car early enough. This year? Hot...completely hot...I mean, I rarely wear anything more than a light jean jacket (and that's like once every couple of weeks or later at night when it actually dips down into some cooler temps.)...I got these cute ugg-like boots to wear this winter...what a waste! And, what does it mean when we're already having unseasonable weather and Phil sees his shadow? Does that mean we will finally get the winter weather I've been waiting all year for? Does it mean that we get 6 more weeks of a pan-tropical winter? What? Someone tell me, please!
So, life has been going. I've felt kind of bleh lately...sinus junk or something. It's almost too much to wake up, get ready, work, come home, and eat. I'm just unusually fatigued right now. I think it's all the weather changes...I get bad sinus infections and stuff in the spring and fall, but never really in the summer or winter. Since this year has been so strange, I think I'm suffering more than my fair share of sinus junk, out of season.
The band is all screwed up now because some people in it aren't exactly responsible. This is really no surprise to me since one person specifically has screwed us in the past. There's no really nice way to put it...he really did screw us. I've never really completely trusted him since then, but I've tried not to let it affect things...and it hasn't; however, his careless consideration for fellow bandmates and lack of time management skills have forced us into an awkward position. We have to tell someone who has been our friend first, for quite a few years, and also a bandmate that we think he needs to step down. I mean, I think he will be relieved in some sense, but I also think he will not see it as something that we did because he wouldn't meet us halfway...I think he will think we just don't like him or aren't willing to work with him. We've been willing to work...we practiced on nights that weren't exactly convienent for us because it was the supposed "only" night he could practice. We all gave up a lot of our personal time not just on practice nights but on many occassions for this person both on a friendship and bandmate level, and he does nothing for us. We practice on the night he wants, yet he does not show up. We make plans to practice or record and he swears he will be there and then doesn't make it. It just can't continue like this. I'm finally out of school, and I have a couple of years to try to make my dreams come true. I'm not going to let someone who screwd up my band in the past (many years ago, maybe someday I'll tell you guys the story), screw up my chances now. I finally have some awesome people who I trust and feel comfortable around to work with...and we have an energy among us...one person will not destroy that. So, hopefully we will be able to get stuff worked out soon and really get down to business. The other bandmate that isn't really doing much is doing as much as he can do right now...he practices when he can and works on stuff at home and comes over to work on stuff all the time...he just couldn't make the practices on the night that the other person wanted them...but he's doing everything he can, so I think now we will be able to practice with him since we don't have to practice on the nights he works. The rest of us are flexible. It's just annoying to be screwed with. I guess I should be used to it by now because people have done it to me so much...it always surprises and annoys me.
Ok...onto happy things. Valentine's Day is soon. I'm excited. I enjoy the holiday of love...I mean, I know you should tell people that you love, "i love you" every day, but I like the fact that there is a day set aside just to make someone you care about feel really special. I'm still trying to figure out what to do for the boys...I wonder what they have planned for me...so many secrets...I usually don't like secrets or surprises, but for V-day, it's totally cool.
And, I guess that's about it...life is good but boring. I enjoy spending time with certain people very much. I'm entertained quite often. I can't ask for much more, other than a job, a bazillion dollars, a pet moose, and oppertunities to travel and see and experience cool things. Have fun, be merry, and don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!


At 12:57, Blogger BTExpress said...

The weather here in New York has been unseasonably warm too. Right now it's 47F and feels like spring. I'm forever wearing a light jacket, or even no jacket, which is just fine with me.

If your going to make a serious go with your music, everyone has to be on the same page. You need to give your friend an ultimatium and explain it's not personal. Worrying about his feeling at everyone else's expense is foolish and not fair to everyone else.

Enjoy your Valentine's Day, I'm sure I will.

At 20:33, Blogger Daniele said...

I pretty much stopped worrying about his feelings after being used for the millionth time. I agree. He's an awesome musician, and we really wanted to have him work with us and add to our music and help himself in the process, but he's pulling us down...and we've decided enough is enough. It will come together.
Hopefully the boys do something special for me for V-day...if not, I'll kick their asses! j/k

At 21:28, Blogger BTExpress said...

If not, I'll do something special for you on my "2006 BTExpress Tour". I'm coming to Texas and Kansas later this year. Your right in between, right?

At 10:03, Blogger Daniele said...

Somewhere in there...cool!


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