
Um, Waiter? There's a _ _ _ _ in my taco!

I have a story for you! Yesterday, I got tacos for lunch because I was in a hurry to get out to my "job." I get to work and open a taco...eat a couple of bites...on bite #3, I notice something really rubbery and large in my mouth. Of course I spit it out. And then I looked at it. I HAD to! Do you really want to know what it was? Ok...I'll tell you...it was a worm. I am so not kidding. I had a WORM in my MOUTH! EWW SICK DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!! I know. We examined it all over to be certain and try to rule out other possibilities. It was clearly a worm...that's what the general consensus was. So, we took our meal back (as we tried not to vomit). They gave us our money back, but not before they let us know that it was just a piece of gristle. NO WAY. That was so a worm. I know gristle...I'm a meat eater. This was c-shaped, and it had lines on the back...just like a grub worm. I even looked up pictures online when I got home. I mean, damn, I'm a scientist...I think I know a worm when it's in my mouth! So yeah, I'm totally grossed out now. Happy day, folks!


At 17:57, Blogger BTExpress said...

Was it a whole worm or half a worm? There's a VERY big difference.

At 20:02, Blogger Daniele said...

whole...completely in tact...but still, it was IN my MOUTH!

At 21:04, Blogger BTExpress said...

Oh, come on, look at the bright side, it could have been half a worm and then just think how you'd feel.


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